Although the easiest route to TMB is to stay West of the city (essentially along the Western edge of the figure at right), consider instead taking the scenic route along the coastline shown by the black line on the figure.

To get there it's best to do it further North, between Palm Beach and Fort Lauderdale where there is less congestion, but you should be able to do it via the dashed white line. Notice from the black line that the scenic route has you coming down East of Miami Beach for a bit, then crosses over Miami Beach to fly between Miami Beach and the skyscrapers of the City of Miami. If you choose this route, I urge you to do it with flight following, to be careful with your altitude (white dashed line between 2500 and 3000 ft, black line below 1500 ft) and to look carefully for other traffic (don't assume flight following infallible).

Disclaimer: The information here is subject to the Disclaimer and Release footnote on the Skymaster US Home Page. Use this information only for reference, and check Sectional Charts and other official information to make sure that you follow all regulations.

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